Scientific Papers

Sex-specific phenotypical, functional and metabolic profiles of human term placenta macrophages | Biology of Sex Differences

  • Mitchell AM, Palettas M, Christian LM. Fetal sex is associated with maternal stimulated cytokine production, but not serum cytokine levels, in human pregnancy. Brain Behav Immun. 2017;60:32–7.


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  • O’Callaghan JL, Clifton VL, Prentis P, Ewing A, Saif Z, Pelzer ES. Sex-dependent differential transcript expression in the placenta of growth restricted infants. Placenta. 2022;128:1–8.


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  • Eriksson JG, Kajantie E, Osmond C, Thornburg K, Barker DJP. Boys live dangerously in the womb. Am J Hum Biology. 2010;22:330–5.


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  • Braun AE, Mitchel OR, Gonzalez TL, Sun T, Flowers AE, Pisarska MD, et al. Sex at the interface: the origin and impact of sex differences in the developing human placenta. Biol Sex Differ. BioMed Central Ltd; 2022.

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  • Verburg PE, Tucker G, Scheil W, Erwich JJHM, Dekker GA, Roberts CT. Sexual dimorphism in adverse pregnancy outcomes – A retrospective Australian population study 1981–2011. PLoS ONE. 2016;11.

  • Gonzalez TL, Sun T, Koeppel AF, Lee B, Wang ET, Farber CR et al. Sex differences in the late first trimester human placenta transcriptome. Biol Sex Differ. 2018;9.

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  • Wculek SK, Dunphy G, Heras-Murillo I, Mastrangelo A, Sancho D. Metabolism of tissue macrophages in homeostasis and pathology. Cell Mol Immunol. Springer Nature; 2022. pp. 384–408.

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  • Merech F, Gori S, Calo G, Hauk V, Paparini D, Rios D, et al. Monocyte immunometabolic reprogramming in human pregnancy: contribution of trophoblast cells. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2024;326:E215–25.


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  • Gao L, Xu QH, Ma LN, Luo J, Muyayalo KP, Wang LL, et al. Trophoblast-derived lactic acid orchestrates decidual macrophage differentiation via SRC/LDHA Signaling in early pregnancy. Int J Biol Sci. 2022;18:599–616.

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  • Paparini DE, Choudhury RH, Vota DM, Karolczak-Bayatti M, Finn-Sell S, Grasso EN et al. Vasoactive intestinal peptide shapes first-trimester placenta trophoblast, vascular, and immune cell cooperation. Br J Pharmacol [Internet]. 2019;176:964–80.

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