Scientific Papers

Unveiling emerging interdisciplinary research challenges in the highly threatened sclerophyllous forests of central Chile | Revista Chilena de Historia Natural

  • Satoh Y, Yoshimura K, Pokhrel Y, Kim H, Shiogama H, Yokohata T, et al. The timing of unprecedented hydrological drought under climate change. Nat Commun. 2022;13(1):1–11.


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  • Armesto JJ, Manuschevich D, Mora A, Smith-Ramirez C, Rozzi R, Abarzúa AM, et al. From the Holocene to the Anthropocene: a historical framework for land cover change in southwestern South America in the past 15,000 years. Land Use Policy. 2010;27(2):148–60.


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  • Myers N, Mittermeier R, Fonseca G, Kent J. Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities. Nature. 2000;403(6772):853–8.


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  • Rundel PW, Kalin M, Cowling RM, Keeley JE, Lamont BB, Vargas P. Mediterranean biomes: evolution of their vegetation, Floras, and Climate. Annu Rev Ecol Syst. 2016;47:387–407.

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  • Allen CD, Macalady AK, Chenchouni H, Bachelet D, McDowell N, Vennetier M, et al. A global overview of drought and heat-induced tree mortality reveals emerging climate change risks for forests. Ecol Manage. 2010;259(4):660–84.


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  • Liu D, Zhang C, Ogaya R, Estiarte M, Peñuelas J. Effects of decadal experimental drought and climate extremes on vegetation growth in Mediterranean forests and shrublands. J Veg Sci. 2020;31(5):768–79.


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  • Batllori E, Lloret F, Aakala T, Anderegg WRL, Aynekulu E, Bendixsen DP, et al. Forest and woodland replacement patterns following drought-related mortality. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2020;117(47):29720–9.

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  • Root-Bernstein M, Vargas BH, Bondoux A, Guerrero-Gatica M, Zorondo-Rodríguez F, Huerta M, et al. Silvopastoralism, local ecological knowledge and woodland trajectories in a category V- type management area. Biodivers Conserv. 2022;31(2):543–64.


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  • Fuentes ER, Avilds R, Segura A. Landscape change under indirect effects of human use: the Savanna of Central Chile. Landsc Ecol. 1989;2(2):73–80.


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  • Miranda A, Altamirano A, Cayuela L, Lara A, González M. Native forest loss in the Chilean biodiversity hotspot: revealing the evidence. Reg Environ Chang. 2017;17(1):285–97.


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  • Van de Wouw P, Echeverría C, Rey-Benayas JM, Holmgren M. Persistent Acacia savannas replace Mediterranean sclerophyllous forests in South America. Ecol Manage. 2011;262(6):1100–8.


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  • Viers JH, Williams JN, Nicholas KA, Barbosa O, Kotzé I, Spence L, et al. Vinecology: pairing wine with nature. Conserv Lett. 2013;6(5):287–99.


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  • Alaniz AJ, Galleguillos M, Perez-Quezada JF. Assessment of quality of input data used to classify ecosystems according to the IUCN Red List methodology: the case of the central Chile hotspot. Biol Conserv. 2016;204:378–85.


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  • Garreaud R, Alvarez-Garreton C, Barichivich J, Boisier JP, Christie D, Galleguillos M, et al. The 2010–2015 mega drought in Central Chile: impacts on regional hydroclimate and vegetation. Hydrol Earth Syst Sci Discuss. 2017;21:1–37.

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  • Garreaud RD, Boisier JP, Rondanelli R, Montecinos A, Sepúlveda HH, Veloso-Aguila D. The Central Chile mega Drought (2010–2018): a climate dynamics perspective. Int J Climatol. 2019;(January):1–19.

  • Miranda A, Lara A, Altamirano A, Di Bella C, González ME, Julio Camarero J. Forest browning trends in response to drought in a highly threatened mediterranean landscape of South America. Ecol Indic. 2020;115.

  • Venegas-González A, Muñoz AA, Carpintero-Gibson S, González-Reyes A, Schneider I, Gipolou-Zuñiga T, et al. Sclerophyllous Forest Tree Growth under the influence of a historic megadrought in the Mediterranean Ecoregion of Chile. Ecosystems. 2022;26(2):344–61.


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  • Mueller RC, Scudder CM, Porter ME, Talbot Trotter R, Gehring CA, Whitham TG. Differential tree mortality in response to severe drought: evidence for long-term vegetation shifts. J Ecol. 2005;93(6):1085–93.


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  • Senf C, Buras A, Zang CS, Rammig A, Seidl R. Excess forest mortality is consistently linked to drought across Europe. Nat Commun. 2020;11(1):1–8.


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  • Godfree RC, Knerr N, Godfree D, Busby J, Robertson B, Encinas-Viso F. Historical reconstruction unveils the risk of mass mortality and ecosystem collapse during pancontinental megadrought. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2019;116(31):15580–9.

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  • Miranda A, Syphard AD, Berdugo M, Carrasco J, Gómez-González S, Ovalle JF, et al. Widespread synchronous decline of Mediterranean-type forest driven by accelerated aridity. Nat Plants. 2023;9(11):1810–7.


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  • Martínez-Harms MJ, Armesto JJ, Castilla JC, Astorga A, Aylwin J, Buschmann AH, et al. A systematic evidence map of conservation knowledge in Chilean Patagonia. Conserv Sci Pract. 2022;4(1):1–14.

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  • Alfonso A, Zorondo-Rodríguez F, Simonetti JA. Perceived changes in environmental degradation and loss of ecosystem services, and their implications in human well-being. Int J Sustain Dev World Ecol. 2017;24(6):561–74.


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  • Benra F, Nahuelhual L. A trilogy of inequalities: land ownership, forest cover and ecosystem services distribution. Land Use Policy. 2019;82(December 2018):247–57.


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  • Smith-Ramírez C, Grez A, Galleguillos M, Cerda C, Ocampo-Melgar A, Miranda M, et al. Ecosystem services of Chilean sclerophyllous forests and shrublands on the verge of collapse: a review. J Arid Environ. 2023;211:104927.


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  • Schiappacasse I, Nahuelhual L, Vásquez F, Echeverría C. Assessing the benefits and costs of dryland forest restoration in central Chile. J Environ Manage. 2012;97(1):38–45.


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  • Zorondo-Rodríguez F, Gómez-Fernández NA, Bondoux A, Alfonso A, Carrasco-Oliva G, Abasolo F, et al. Where Forest Policy and Social Support Collide: perceptions and knowledge of Landholders about Forest Management in Central Chile. Hum Ecol. 2023;51(6):1171–87.


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  • Reyes R, Nelson H, Zerriffi H. How do decision makers´ ethnicity and religion influence the use of forests? Evidence from Chile. Policy Econ. 2021;128(March).

  • Lara M, Sepúlveda SA, Celis C, Rebolledo S, Ceballos P. Landslide susceptibility maps of Santiago city Andean foothills, Chile. Andean Geol. 2018;45(3):433–42.


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  • Alvarez-Codoceo S, Cerda C, Perez-Quezada JF. Mapping the provision of cultural ecosystem services in large cities: the case of the Andean piedmont in Santiago, Chile. Urban Urban Green. 2021;66:127390.


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  • Falk DA, van Mantgem PJ, Keeley JE, Gregg RM, Guiterman CH, Tepley AJ, et al. Mechanisms of forest resilience. Ecol Manage. 2022;512:120129.


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  • Aponte H, Galindo-Castañeda T, Yáñez C, Hartmann M, Rojas C. Microbial Community-Level physiological profiles and genetic prokaryotic structure of burned soils under Mediterranean Sclerophyll forests in Central Chile. Front Microbiol. 2022;13(April):1–16.

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  • García-Carmona M, Marín C, García-Orenes F, Rojas C. Contrasting Organic amendments induce different short-term responses in Soil Abiotic and Biotic properties in a fire-affected native Mediterranean Forest in Chile. J Soil Sci Plant Nutr. 2021;21(3):2105–14.


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  • Doblas-Miranda E, Martínez-Vilalta J, Lloret F, Álvarez A, Ávila A, Bonet FJ, et al. Reassessing global change research priorities in mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems: how far have we come and where do we go from here? Glob Ecol Biogeogr. 2015;24(1):25–43.


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  • Bergstrom DM, Wienecke BC, van den Hoff J, Hughes L, Lindenmayer DB, Ainsworth TD, et al. Combating ecosystem collapse from the tropics to the Antarctic. Glob Chang Biol. 2021;27(9):1692–703.


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  • Peñuelas J, Sardans J. Global change and forest disturbances in the mediterranean basin: breakthroughs, knowledge gaps, and recommendations. Forests. 2021;12(5):1–27.


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  • Borquez R, Aldunce P, Adler C. Resilience to climate change: from theory to practice through co-production of knowledge in Chile. Sustain Sci. 2017;12(1):163–76.


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  • Manuschevich D. Neoliberalization of forestry discourses in Chile. Policy Econ. 2016;69:21–30.


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  • Manuschevich D, Beier CM. Simulating land use changes under alternative policy scenarios for conservation of native forests in south-central Chile. Land use Policy. 2016;51:350–62.


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  • Rubilar Donoso G, Zorondo-Rodríguez F, Navarro CL, Carrasco-Oliv G. Socio-environmental conflicts in Southern Chile. Actors, Power Mechanisms and Influence on the challenge of reducing rural poverty. Ager. 2022;35:65–98.

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  • Tramblay Y, Koutroulis A, Samaniego L, Vicente-Serrano SM, Volaire F, Boone A, et al. Challenges for drought assessment in the Mediterranean region under future climate scenarios. Earth Sci Rev. 2020;210:103348.


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