Scientific Papers

Results of a cluster randomized trial testing the Systems Analysis and Improvement Approach to increase cervical cancer screening in family planning clinics in Mombasa County, Kenya | Implementation Science

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  • Eastment MC, Wanje G, Richardson BA, Mwaringa E, Patta S, Sherr K, Barnabas RV, Mandaliya K, Jaoko W, McClelland RS. A cross-sectional study of the prevalence, barriers, and facilitators of cervical cancer screening in family planning clinics in Mombasa County, Kenya. BMC Health Serv Res. 2022;22(1):1577. Epub 20221223. PubMed PMID: 36564740; PMCID: PMC9789596.

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  • Rustagi AS, Gimbel S, Nduati R, Cuembelo MeF, Wasserheit JN, Farquhar C, Gloyd S, Sherr K; Team wiftSS. Implementation and Operational research: impact of a systems engineering intervention on PMTCT service delivery in Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mozambique: a cluster randomized trial. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2016;72(3):e68-76. PubMed PMID: 27082507; PMCID: PMC4911259.

  • Wagner AD, Crocker J, Liu S, Cherutich P, Gimbel S, Fernandes Q, Mugambi M, Ásbjörnsdóttir K, Masyuko S, Wagenaar BH, Nduati R, Sherr K. Making smarter decisions faster: systems engineering to improve the global public health response to HIV. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 2019;16(4):279–91. PubMedPMID:31197648;PMCID:PMC6635031.

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  • Sherr K, Gimbel S, Rustagi A, Nduati R, Cuembelo F, Farquhar C, Wasserheit J, Gloyd S, With input from the SST. Systems analysis and improvement to optimize pMTCT (SAIA): a cluster randomized trial. Implement Sci. 2014;9:55. PubMed PMID: 24885976; PMCID: PMC4019370.

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  • Gimbel S, Voss J, Mercer MA, Zierler B, Gloyd S, CoutinhoMde J, Floriano F, CuembeloMde F, Einberg J, Sherr K. The prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV cascade analysis tool: supporting health managers to improve facility-level service delivery. BMC Res Notes. 2014;7:743. PubMedPMID:25335783;PMCID:PMC4216351.

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  • Eastment MC, Wanje G, Richardson BA, Nassir F, Mwaringa E, Barnabas RV, Sherr K, Mandaliya K, Jaoko W, McClelland RS. Performance of family planning clinics in conducting recommended HIV counseling and testing in Mombasa County, Kenya: a cross-sectional study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2019;19(1):665. Epub 2019/09/14. PubMed PMID: 31521157; PMCID: PMC6744633.

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  • Eastment MC, Wanje G, Richardson BA, Mwaringa E, Sherr K, Barnabas RV, Perla M, Mandaliya K, Jaoko W, McClelland RS. Results of a cluster randomized trial testing the systems analysis and improvement approach to increase HIV testing in family planning clinics. AIDS. 2022;36(2):225–35. PubMedPMID:34628439;PMCID:PMC8702477.


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  • Wagner AD, Gimbel S, Ásbjörnsdóttir KH, Cherutich P, Coutinho J, Crocker J, Cruz E, Cuembelo F, Cumbe V, Eastment M, Einberg J, Floriano F, Gaitho D, Guthrie BL, John-Stewart G, Kral AH, Lambdin BH, Liu S, Maina M, Manaca N, Matsuzaki M, Mattox L, Mburu N, McClelland RS, Micek MA, Mocumbi AO, Muanido A, Nduati R, Njuguna IN, Oluoch G, Oyiengo LB, Ronen K, Soi C, Wagenaar BH, Wanje G, Wenger LD, Sherr K. Cascade analysis: an adaptable implementation strategy across HIV and non-HIV delivery platforms. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2019;82(Suppl 3):S322–31. PubMedPMID:31764270;PMCID:PMC6880809.

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  • Gimbel S, Ásbjörnsdóttir K, Banek K, et al. The Systems Analysis and Improvement Approach: specifying core components of an implementation strategy to optimize care cascades in public health. Implement Sci Commun. 2023;4:15.

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  • Denny L, de Sanjose S, Mutebi M, Anderson BO, Kim J, Jeronimo J, Herrero R, Yeates K, Ginsburg O, Sankaranarayanan R. Interventions to close the divide for women with breast and cervical cancer between low-income and middle-income countries and high-income countries. Lancet. 2017;389(10071):861–70. Epub 20161101. PubMed PMID: 27814963.


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  • Gakunga R, Ali Z, Kinyanjui A, Jones M, Muinga E, Musyoki D, Igobwa M, Atieno M, Subramanian S. Preferences for breast and cervical cancer screening among women and men in Kenya: key considerations for designing implementation strategies to increase screening uptake. J Cancer Educ. 2023. Epub 20230220. PubMed PMID: 36808563.

  • Shin MB, Liu G, Mugo N, Garcia PJ, Rao DW, Bayer CJ, Eckert LO, Pinder LF, Wasserheit JN, Barnabas RV. A framework for cervical cancer elimination in low-and-middle-income countries: a scoping review and roadmap for interventions and research priorities. Front Public Health. 2021;9:670032. Epub 20210701. PubMed PMID: 34277540; PMCID: PMC8281011.

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  • Lott BE, Trejo MJ, Baum C, McClelland DJ, Adsul P, Madhivanan P, Carvajal S, Ernst K, Ehiri J. Interventions to increase uptake of cervical screening in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review using the integrated behavioral model. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(1):654. Epub 20200511. PubMed PMID: 32393218; PMCID: PMC7216595.

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  • Johnson LG, Armstrong A, Joyce CM, Teitelman AM, Buttenheim AM. Implementation strategies to improve cervical cancer prevention in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review. Implement Sci. 2018;13(1):28. Epub 20180209. PubMed PMID: 29426344; PMCID: PMC5807829.

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  • Long JE, Eastment MC, Wanje G, Richardson BA, Mwaringa E, Mohamed MA, Sherr K, Barnabas RV, Mandaliya K, Jaoko W, McClelland RS. Assessing the sustainability of the Systems Analysis and Improvement Approach to increase HIV testing in family planning clinics in Mombasa, Kenya: results of a cluster randomized trial. Implement Sci. 2022;17(1):70. Epub 20221004. PubMed PMID: 36195890; PMCID: PMC9530422.

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  • Fabian KE, Muanido A, Cumbe VFJ, Manaca N, Hicks L, Weiner BJ, Sherr K, Wagenaar BH. Optimizing treatment cascades for mental healthcare in Mozambique: preliminary effectiveness of the Systems Analysis and Improvement Approach for Mental Health (SAIA-MH). Health Policy Plan. 2021;35(10):1354–63. PubMed PMID: 33221835.


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  • Wagner AD, Augusto O, Njuguna IN, Gaitho D, Mburu N, Oluoch G, Carimo N, Mwaura P, Cherutich P, Oyiengo L, Gimbel S, John-Stewart GC, Nduati R, Sherr K. Systems analysis and improvement approach to optimize the pediatric and adolescent HIV cascade (SAIA-PEDS): a pilot study. Implement Sci Commun. 2022;3(1):49. Epub 20220510. PubMed PMID: 35538591; PMCID: PMC9087970.

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